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DIY: How To Fix Your Car Ignition If It Won’t Start

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It always seems to happen at the worst times. You’re running late. You have two kids buckled into the back seat. It’s cold outside  and the car won’t start. Or you’re driving down the road in the middle of a snowstorm. You’re trying to make it to a hospital appointment… and the car stalls. Sometimes the problem is as simple as filling your gas tank, but sometimes it gets a little more complicated. There are some telltale signs to look out for so you know when you need to repair your car ignition.

Your Key Won’t Turn

When you try to start your car and the key won’t turn, you can try moving your steering wheel back and forth a few times. Sometimes the ignition lock is engaged and moving the steering wheel will do the trick. If this doesn’t solve the problem, you’re likely looking at an issue with your ignition.

Nothing Happens When You Turn The Key

It can be really disheartening when you turn the key but nothing happens because it’s hard to tell what’s wrong in that case. If you’re sure the car has gas and the battery isn’t dead, it’s likely a problem with your ignition. If your battery has a charge, then this means that something is wrong with the electrical connection between the ignition and the rest of the car.

Your Car Stalls

The reason this is a sign of the ignition failing is similar to the reasoning behind nothing happening when you turn the key. When you’re driving, if something happens to the connection between the ignition and the rest of the car, the car will stall. The ignition powers the rest of the car, so when that gets interrupted, either when you’re trying to start the car or when you’re already driving, your car is going to stall. This can also be due to faulty wiring so getting your car checked out will help you determine the nature of the problem.

Your Dashboard Lights Flicker Or Don’t Light Up At All

Your ignition needs to work properly for these lights to go on, so noticing an issue with these could be the first sign your switch is going. If you start to see that your lights are flickering or that they don’t come on at all, take that as a warning sign to get your car checked out.

Whether you’re just starting to suspect you have an ignition issue or you’re trying to start your car and nothing is happening, can help diagnose, repair, and replace your ignition. Your ignition is used every single time you start and run your car, so it’s logical that it will start to wear over time, especially on an older car. Even if you just have a sneaking suspicion something is wrong, it’s better to get it checked out now before you’re stuck in a bad situation with a car that won’t start.