John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Netflix Binge Racing is a New “Thing” But Hey, There Are Stranger Things

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We aren’t all proud to admit it but most of us have done it at one point or another; binge watching a show on Netflix. Blinds drawn, pajamas on, junk food out; we have guiltily receded from society to enter another world in the television.  A world that is far more interesting, more or less serious and engaging than our own lives. And most importantly; a world without commercial breaks or that torturous wait for the next episode in a week.

What Is Binge Racing?

It may not be the healthiest activity but since the dawn of Netflix, binge watchers have been increasing everywhere. So much so, that Netflix went ahead and coined the term, “binge racers” for its most dedicated bingers. Since Netflix has the ability to monitor our guilty pleasures; they deemed users who watched an entire run of a show in 24 hours to be binge racers.

Who Is Binge Racing?

Binge racing is when a new season drops on Netflix and a person finds it necessary to get through the entire season as fast as possible. Why, you ask? Because of “that guy” at the water cooler (or on social media). You know, that person who talks about something happening in your show and ruins it for you.

Also, some shows are just that addictive.

Hence, binge watching turns into binge racing. Only in America could we come up with an activity that involves being lazy faster than another person.

Actually, binge racers are not just American. Surprisingly, binge racers comprise 8.4 million Netflix viewers worldwide.  The top Binge Racers hail from Canada and in the United States, top bingers come from West Virginia.

Netflix’s 1st Binge Racing Event

For the season premiere of the most binge worthy show, Stranger Things 2, Netflix held an event October 17, 2017at Goya Studios in LA. The one of a kind event took place close to Halloween and had a definite, festively eerie feel.

Cosplayers (adults in costumes) had a blast in front of giant photographs of classic Stranger Things scenes, complete with a classic old truck. The spacious Goya Studios held a fully functioning arcade, several couches and chairs along with a giant lightning struck screen with spooky vines.

The Chosen Racers

Netflix raffled off tickets to the event and allowed 150 Binge Race, ticket winners to attend. The Racers came to be the first to watch the entire season of Stranger Things 2, which ran from 12:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Although, coffee, popcorn and plenty of other nosh was provided; only about 50 of the 150 survived the binge through to the end.

For the survivors, there were official binge racing medals handed to them upon stumbling out of Goya Studios and into the sunlight. The weary and tired fans felt bitter sweet at the end of the experience. Like children the day after their birthday party; the crowd was thrilled to have experienced the event but sad that it was over. They ate their Eggo Waffles, provided by an Eggo truck outside as they dazedly realized how long they would have to wait to watch more of their favorite show.