There are over 30,000 species of spiders in the world, most of which are beneficial as a natural pest control method. That is however not to say spiders have an open invitation to come into our homes and build cobwebs at their pleasure.
Whether it is due to the sheer fear of their creepy nature or just a precaution to avoid possible bites and contamination, keep your home free of spiders. We have discussed below six tested-and-tried spider control measures for anyone trying to rid their home of spiders.
Use of pesticides is one of the surest ways of eradicating a spider infestation. Nontoxic pesticide options are recommendable, mainly if you’re going to fumigate the house yourself. If you have pets and children, you may want to consult a specialist or hire one to spray the home for you. Note that pesticides do not necessarily work with a single shot; expect to spray the solution several times as most products only work upon direct contact.
Keep your home clean
Preventing spiders from getting into your home is way more comfortable than getting rid of them. By keeping your house clean and orderly, you’re minimizing points where they can build webs and hang out. Ensure clothes and other items are kept off the floor and that shoes are inspected before being put on. Regularly sweep away new webs to encourage the spider to look for other places to build.
Seal your home
Those little cracks on the walls are potential hiding and breeding places and points for the spiders while gaps and holes in doors and windows may allow the animals to crawl inside. You can prevent this by covering your vents with a mesh, patching up wall cracks and fixing torn window screens.
Use sticky straps
Place sticky straps throughout the house, especially in places you have spotted spiders before. Most commercial straps do not contain any pesticides but are laced with an aroma that attracts spiders. You cannot solely depend on this method, but it can help you identify the most infested rooms by identifying the straps with the most captures.
Cut off their food supply
House spiders feed on insects and arthropods. These two have proven more comfortable to control, and apparently, by getting rid of them, you are taking away the reason spiders are in your home in the first place. Practice proper sanitation and ensure foods is covered and stored correctly. Keep fitted window screens and patch up any holes that the bugs may use to get into the house. Additionally, reduce the amount of outside lighting to avoid attracting bugs into your home.
This method is almost always bound to work but only if you are patient enough.
Remove plants, rocks, and debris lying outside your house
Spiders love hiding in warm places such as in vegetation and under rocks and wood piles. When it gets cooler, they will look for a way into the house devastating any earlier efforts of trying to jettison them.