John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

4 Things I Brought To My First Adult Ballet Class In Singapore

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For many months, I constantly heard about adult ballet classes in Singapore. People at my gym always talked about these lessons while working out—saying that it has become one of the most popular exercise classes. My coworkers also gushed about their experiences with joining ballet programmes, claiming that such lessons changed their lives for the better.

After listening to everyone’s stories about their ballet class experiences in Singapore, I enrolled in one lesson—and another after another.

Why I Signed Up For Adult Ballet Classes

Aside from feeding my curiosity, I signed up for adult ballet classes to reap its health benefits. I was always a fan of full-body workouts and was thrilled to learn that ballet has become one of them. It is no longer exclusive to being a performative form—it is now one of the many ways Lion City residents like me can stay in the best shape possible.

According to various experts, enrolling in a ballet class can help individuals become more flexible and agile while improving their muscular strength and endurance. It also teaches people about body coordination—stimulating the brain and encouraging it to work with a person’s muscles to become more aerobically fit. After hearing about these perks, I knew I should sign up for a class to reap them.

Everything I Brought To My First Adult Ballet Class

Like other workout programmes, ballet beginner classes for adults can be exhausting and overwhelming. It may leave a person’s body sore after performing movements and stances designed to tone the muscles.

However, having a bag full of gear can make your first ballet class in Singapore more bearable. Here are the four things I brought to my initial lesson which helped me a lot before, during, and after the programme:

1. A Water Bottle

I thought I would not feel tired and thirsty during my adult ballet classes—but I was wrong. Within a few minutes of the lesson, I was already reaching for my water bottle. If you plan on signing up for a ballet class, remember to bring one with you to keep yourself from getting dehydrated

2. Some Towels

Despite using gentle movements to work out my body, my ballet class in Singapore made me sweat a lot. Thankfully, I thought of bringing a few towels to keep myself dry as I followed my ballet instructor.

3. Extra Set Of Clothes

I left the ballet class studio sweaty and smelly. I did not want to ride the bus home smelling foul, so I changed my clothes before heading to the bus station. Fortunately, I thought of bringing extra outfits before going to the studio.

4. My Trusty Gym Bag

Some ballet class students brought totes to their lessons—but I do not think everything we need can fit in a bag with limited space. Instead of a tote, remember to bring a gym bag so you can comfortably and effortlessly carry your ballet workout gear to the studio.

Now that you know what you should bring to your ballet beginner classes for adults, you are finally ready to sign up for one at BalletBody—the studio that introduced me to the basics and complexities of ballet as an exercise. Thanks to its instructors’ expertise, I am now slowly reaping the health benefits of this one-of-a-kind workout programme.

If you are interested in adult ballet classes in Singapore, I strongly urge you to check out ​​BalletBody and their beginner-friendly ballet lessons. Visit its website to learn more about their ballet programmes.