John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Fossicking For Gold Nuggets In Australia

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Australia has seen its share of gold rushes in the 1800s. There were a lot of significant finds made particularly in the Gold Triangle area. You would think that there wouldn’t be much gold left out there for anyone to stumble upon, but prospectors are still making their way through the area and some are finding small nuggets. In the last couple of years fossicking for gold was something that old retirees did, but these days there is a growing number of young people who go out over the weekend and prospect for gold and come home to sell gold nuggets Melbourne. It’s part of the tourism industry in Victoria with companies organising fossicking tours in the gold fields like the Bendigo goldfields 150 km north of Melbourne.

To fossick in Victoria you need to buy a miner’s right for about $23. The number of gold fossickers has grown since the price of gold exploded in 2016. The number of recreational gold fossickers has tripled since 2014. Fossicking is the next gold rush. People spend hours in the hot sun, listening for that sound from their metal detectors. The latest biggest gold nuggets were made by recreational fossickers just walking around the outback with their metal detectors. After all, The “Hand of Faith,” the 27.66 kg gold nugget that was found in Kingower, Victoria, in 1980 was found by a local who was just fossicking around with his metal detector. It is known as the largest gold nugget found using a metal detector. There’s also the 22,68 kg “Ausrox Nugget” that was found in Kalgoorlie, Australia also by someone using a metal detector. People aren’t just looking for Gold nuggets for the fun of it, they are looking for the biggest, purest piece of gold they can find to make money. Everyone dreams of that one big score and so they go fossicking for gold every weekend.

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The truth is, it’s a relaxing past time if you are doing it from a purely recreational point, but with so many gold nuggets still lying around it can be a very lucrative past time too. People who do this full time make more than a living.

Clearly the old gold mining fields still like Bendigo still have something to offer. Here’s a list of other popular places where you can still hope to find a gold nugget or two:


  • Ballarat
  • Bethanga
  • Dargo
  • Kingower
  • Maryborough
  • Moliagul
  • Llanelly in Possum Hill
  • Pyrenees
  • Whela in Rheola
  • Steiglitz
  • Warrandyte
  • Wedderburn

Queensland, Australia

  • Bowen
  • Charters Towers
  • Cloncurry
  • Cooktown
  • Mackay
  • Nanango, Queensland
  • Palmer River Goldfields, Queensland.
  • Ravenswood
  • Warwick

Western Australia

  • Broad Arrow
  • Cobra
  • Halls Creek
  • Kalgoorlie
  • Kimberly
  • Menzies

Northern Territory, Australia

  • Brock’s Creek
  • Macdonnell Ranges
  • Maude Creek
  • Tanami District
  • Union Reef

There are a number of companies that offer day excursions. They offer lessons about how to prospect for gold. The things to look for on the ground and all that you need to know about using a metal detector. These are usually run by knowledgeable people who know the history of the area and can probably point you in the general direction of where you are likely to find something and after you find some gold you can visit your local gold dealer to sell gold nuggets Melbourne.