John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Investing in baby clothes is not a wastage:

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Many people believe that the newly born baby grows very fast and its wastage to invest on their clothes. As it gets out of size after every month but one has to understand no matter how quickly your child is growing and have couple of good clothes collection. Still there is need to buy good clothes for everyday purposes as they get attacked by bacteria very quickly. And the most primary reason is baby usually make their clothes dirty and messy while eating, drinking and throwing. Once they start walking they start picking things; after every step they fall down and crawl a lot that increases their need for new clothes every day. So you need urgent set of clothes ready every time. And if you talk about parents, they love the variety of clothes especially mother she always looks for different color and fabric that suites best. Every baby clothing shops have a different variety according to different occasions, from formal to nightwear.

What factors to look for before buying clothes:

If you are a mother of the newly born baby, then you can understand the need of urgent Newborn baby clothes [ชุด เด็ก แรก เกิด , which is the term in Thai] set in the case of emergency you just can’t rush out for aligning everything. One should also be very careful about the comfort of baby while buying baby clothes. Always choose right size with the right fabric. The sizing measurements are different at every age group; make sure you take correct measurements as size plays important role in comfort level.

A big challenge for mothers:

A big challenge for mothers is to keep their child’s clothes save while washing. There are some clothes that need especial care and wash separately. So that the fabric of the particular cloth doesn’t loose its softness and become harsh on skin.