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Marijuana CBD : 2 Main differences between Legal and Illegal Cannabis

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is a particular type of Cannabis Sativa selected for its low concentrations of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), or the psychoactive metabolite responsible for the “high.”

In contrast, it has CBD concentrations as high as 25 percent. CBD (cannabidiol) is the miracle metabolite, the protagonist of the latest scientific research on marijuana’s sports wellness-related and therapeutic properties.

In contrast, regular Marijuana, which is illegal in the vast majority of states, has higher levels of THC and, as a result, induces those who consume it to states of psychic alteration mainly involving spatio-temporal perception and concentration levels.

The differences between Marijuana CBD and regular, illegal Cannabis do not end at cannabinoid concentrations. Below you will find the 2 main differences between the two.


Difference No. 1: CBD and THC


Obviously, this is the major distinction, which affects the positive effects in both the short and long term. In Illicit Cannabis, THC concentrations are above the threshold limit of tolerance, set at 0.6%, which is why its effects on the psyche are sensitive.

The high concentrations of THC make it to all intents and purposes a narcotic, which is why it cannot be taken by just anyone: in the case of people at risk of depression or other psyche disorders, THC can induce even severe paranoia and anxiety.

In addition, contrary to CBD, THC is absolutely not recommended for minors and age groups that have not yet completed full psychophysical development: the CMCR (Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research), in fact, has shown that a mature individual can metabolize THC efficiently, presenting no particular degeneration, while in the case of adolescents,continuous exposure to THC can lead to cognitive deficits.

The fact remains that the therapeutic use of THC is widespread in the case of end-stage diseases, as a powerful analgesic capable of giving patients peace of mind.

Marijuana CBD, on the contrary, presenting almost insignificant concentrations of THC, does not expose to this risk: CBD, on the contrary, has fundamental neuroprotective functions both for adult individuals and in the developmental stages of the brain.

The beneficial effects of CBD have extended the applicability of Marijuana CBD to many other fields as well: derivatives from the plant have proven to be excellent cosmetics, dietary supplements, analgesics, and anti-inflammatories. CBD-based drugs have also been shown to prevent neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, hinder the metastatic spread of breast cancer, and treat cases of childhood and adolescent epilepsy.

Difference No. 2: Black market

The second argument could only be the black market: illegal Cannabis can only be found through black market channels controlled by organized crime. The process of legalization of Marijuana CBD, which is slowly sweeping across Europe, aims to counter the black market through a recognized, guaranteed and regulated channel of marijuana distribution.

The black market not only robs traders, the state and businesses of estimated annual profits of about 4 billion euros in Italy alone.

This is a huge damage caused not only to those who base their lives on an honest sales activity, but also to the consumer: the black market does not guarantee the quality of the products at all, which is why very often those who buy illegally find themselves consuming marijuana or hashish cut with other substances, harmful to the body.

On the contrary, Marijuana CBD is absolutely legal, which is why the consumer sees the quality of the product guaranteed while the dealer sees a new sector opened up in which to invest and in which to involve his business: not only inflorescences and oils, but also clothing, food products and supplements.